11% of children in the UK have a disability - equating to an estimated 4,200 children in Wokingham Borough alone, or 48,000 across East Berkshire. For these children, the most common reported impairments are Autistic Spectrum Disorder (41%) and mental health (30%). 63% have a learning disability and 5% have a physical disability.
Receiving a diagnosis of disability can be a frightening and overwhelming experience for families. 72% families of disabled children report feeling isolated, detached or without an adequate supportive network. Many of the children we support report feeling visibly different, facing bullying, and struggling to make friends. It is essential to provide these children with a safe and inclusive environment where they can learn, play, and thrive without fear of judgement or discrimination.

In our immediate area, there is a specific concern regarding the increase in additional needs being recognised in the early years and approximately 30% of children in the Reading/Wokingham area are estimated to be "not school ready". These children may be struggling with communication and language skills, personal and social development, physical development and curiosity. Without early intervention and support, these challenges can significantly hinder their educational progress and overall development. These children urgently need early intervention and support.
Building for the Future recognises the critical need for a safe space where families can come together, share their experiences, and find solace and support from others navigating similar journeys. We are committed to addressing these pressing needs and creating a brighter future for disabled children, young people, and their families. With your continued support, we can make a lasting impact and ensure that every child has access to the resources, support, and opportunities they deserve.
DWP Family Resources Survey 2019, Wokingham Borough Council 0-25 Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Strategy 2022-2025